Why is grafting fruit trees the best hobby in the world? You not only get to see the “fruits of your labor” but also these added benefits:
Seeing the results is so fulfilling. Right, when you pull the tape off similar to what a surgeon does for a reveal is ever so gratifying. You’ll immediately notice how much scaring and how well the scion wood was grafted. While this hobby may not get you hot dates, you’ll feel satisfied knowing your successful graft will eventually provide.
It’s exciting to put your knowledge to work. For instance, when you have a fruit tree in mind there are several decisions you’ll need to make:
- Which fruit tree to graft on,
- Which specific graft to perform,
- The location of the tree,
- Where to plant
- How often to water
An unintended benefit of grafting trees is exercise. Believe it or not, there is more endurance than you think, grafting in unusual positions and against the forces of nature can have you sweating especially if air layering. Once you get hooked you’ll be pacing back and forth checking on your grafts and making sure they are taken care of.
Being outside is underrated. With technology and smart phones, its hard to find a reason to stay outside. With this hobby you’ll be outside more using all your senses: smelling your fresh fruit, seeing the development of your various grafts, breathing the crisp air you’ve transformed and of course, tasting the different flavors from each variety.