Rooting is a fundamental aspect of plant propagation, and it’s essential for gardeners and farmers who want to grow new plants from cuttings. Rooting refers to the process of growing …
Air layering is a method of propagating new plants from existing ones by encouraging a branch or stem to produce roots while still attached to the parent plant. This way, …
Bud grafting, also known as chip budding or T-budding, is a technique of propagating plants by inserting a bud from one plant into the stem of another. This method allows …
One of the most popular types of grafting is called whip & tongue grafting. It is a method that involves the joining of a scion and a rootstock, and it …
Ed Valvidia is a passionate exotic fruit extraordinaire, especially dragon fruit. Chances are when you pick up a dragon fruit at the super market there is a high probability that …
If you are serious about grafting then you must get involved with your local grafting communities or meet-ups due to importance of acquiring newly cultivated fruit. The California Rare Fruit …
In Los Angeles where I live and in many other many cities across the United States, you can actually get free quality compost. The sanitation department actually recycles the green …
Tree grafting requires some specialized tools and materials to ensure successful grafting. In this article, we will discuss the tools and materials needed for tree grafting. Tools Required Materials Required …
Cleft grafting is a common method of propagating plants. It involves taking a scion from a desirable plant and inserting it into a stock plant. This technique is used in …
Despite following the best practices, tree grafts can sometimes fail. The reasons for graft failure can vary from tree to tree and the technique used. Understanding the reasons why tree …