Save Your Hard-Earned Money: Get Started with Less Than $5

by Grafting Tree
Get Started with grafting Less Than $5

Fruit tree grafting should not cost you much and should be an extremely cost-effective hobby. Also, will include the prices and links to items if you decide to spend a little more money. Let’s start from the top for the most basic requirements: 

– seeds

– grafting knife, box knife

– tape, electrical tape, or grafting tape

– protective paper, kitchen plastic wrap, parafilm 

– scion wood, free, or buy on eBay

– cleaning solution, alcohol wipes or soap/water

At this point you can continue to graft using little to no money from your pocket, or can spend perhaps $50 and speed up the process. If you have the time to be patient for your seedlings to grow, then you can continue to be frugal. If you do decide to upgrade, here are some expenses you may incur:

This grafting knife is about $20